Alexander Bogen (1916 - 2010)

Alexander Bogen Artist was an illustrious Jewish visual artist, a commanding partisan during the WW2 holocaust, and a pioneer of Israeli modern art and education.

“…To be creative during the Holocaust was also a protest. Each man when standing face to face with cruel danger, with death, reacts in his own way. The artist reacts in an artistic way. This is his weapon…”

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Joie de Vivre

by Sorin Heller

".. it is the story of an entire generation of writers, poets, musicians and all those working in the arts, many of whom died in the Holocaust. Some continued to work at their craft after the war, striving to build something new."

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The Struggle for Life

by Dr. Gideon Ofrat.

".. Sun, sea, sky, desert and beauty are the new weapons of Alexander Bogen, an artist who intrepidly attacks the ugly and the chaotic. And in doing this, affirms his life and his existence.."

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on Revolt

by Abba Kovner

What can be more stirring and moving than Optimism, even during the abysmal and calculated destruction of all that is human?

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Bogen's Apocalypse

by Prof. Gila Ballas

"Apocalypse, with its bold expression, is a stirring work, but also a consoling one, for its pure beauty rescues us from the abyss of despair"

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Lorem Ipsum

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